I have been playing with Flex-mojos plugin (Thanks VELO) for two to three days, reading the recommended book(maven definite guide), etc.
I had come to LOOOOTS of old misleading blogs(which I'm sure this one will become!).
So First thing I want to say is that the day I wrote this article was OCTOBER 21, 2009
I'm using:
- Flex-mojos 3.2.0
- Flash Player 10
- Flex SDK 3.4
- RSL and caching capabilities to reduce swf/swc file sizes.
Before getting into the code, I'm going to summarize what I am going to accomplish:
- A top level project that will have three modules:
- An RSL project that has only flex framework dependencies. (TopLevelLibrary)
- An RSL project that will depend on the TopLevelLibrary project. (MidLevelLibrary)
- An application that will use a component from the MidLevelLibrary project. (Flex-app)
My Box is a Windows Vista. so I will create the project on C:\blog\examples\multi-level-flex-maven and I will call it PROJECT_HOME.
- Create the top level pom that will contain the three modules specified before in the folder PROJECT_HOME. As follows
- groupid: com.leonardovarela.blog.examples
- artifactid: multi-level-flex-maven
- version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- Create the folder structure for your project:
- PROJECT_HOME/TopLevelLibrary
- PROJECT_HOME/MidLevelLibrary
- Lets Create the Library projects.
- TopLevelLibrary project setup
Inside the directory PROJECT_HOME/TopLevelLibrary create a pom file that we will use to build the optimized RSL with no dependencies. The pom should look like this:
Please notice that the scope of the dependencies is External which will reduce the size of your RSL a LOT! Also notice the execution goal 'optimize'. Also understand that I am excluding playerglobal from flex-framework because by default it uses Flash Player 9, this is how we are supporting Flash Player 10!!! Now we need to add some code to the library! Here's what I'm sure you know how to do! But we will add some sample classes just to test.4.0.0 com.leonardovarela.blog.examples multi-level-flex-maven 1.0-SNAPSHOT com.leonardovarela.blog.examples TopLevelLibrary 1.0-SNAPSHOT swc com.adobe.flex.framework framework ${project.flex.version} swc external com.adobe.flex.framework flex-framework ${project.flex.version} pom com.adobe.flex.framework playerglobal external com.adobe.flex.framework playerglobal ${project.flex.version} ${project.flash.player.classifier} swc external org.sonatype.flexmojos flexmojos-unittest-support ${project.flexmojos.version} swc test org.sonatype.flexmojos flexmojos-maven-plugin true {artifactId}-{version}.{extension} ${project.flash.version} optimize
Now that we have defined the pom file lets create the default project structure either with a maven archetype or from your existing sources.
- PROJECT_HOME/TopLevelLibrary/src/main/flex/com/leonardovarela/blog/examples/toplevellibrary
- PROJECT_HOME/TopLevelLibrary/src/main/test/com/leonardovarela/blog/examples/toplevellibrary
- Add the following component(TopLevelLibraryComponent.mxml) to the package com.leonardovarela.blog.examples.toplevellibrary (Please note that the syntax highlighter removes the casing so please make box->Box, label->Label, image->Image and don't forget the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> at the beginning of the mxml file):
- Get the image: America and place it on the same folder of the component (PROJECT_HOME/TopLevelLibrary/com/leonardovarela/blog/examples/toplevellibrary)
- You are all set for the top level library
- Now lets add another RSL that depends on the TopLevelLibraryProject.
For that lets create another porject folder structure and another pom file.
- The project will be named MidLevelLibrary and its location will be: PROJECT_HOME/MidLevelLibrary so create that folder and inside a package structure similar to the last project:
- PROJECT_HOME/MidLevelLibrary/src/main/flex/com/leonardovarela/blog/examples/midlevellibrary
- PROJECT_HOME/MidLevelLibrary/src/main/test/com/leonardovarela/blog/examples/midlevellibrary<
- Now lets create the pom file for the MidLevelLibrary that uses the component of the TopLevelLibrary: The file should be like this:
4.0.0 com.leonardovarela.blog.examples multi-level-flex-maven 1.0-SNAPSHOT com.leonardovarela.blog.examples MidLevelLibrary 1.0-SNAPSHOT swc com.leonardovarela.blog.examples TopLevelLibrary 1.0-SNAPSHOT swc external com.adobe.flex.framework framework ${project.flex.version} swc external com.adobe.flex.framework flex-framework ${project.flex.version} pom com.adobe.flex.framework playerglobal external com.adobe.flex.framework playerglobal ${project.flex.version} ${project.flash.player.classifier} swc external org.sonatype.flexmojos flexmojos-unittest-support ${project.flexmojos.version} swc test org.sonatype.flexmojos flexmojos-maven-plugin true {artifactId}-{version}.{extension} ${project.flash.version} optimize - Now lets create a component that uses the component from the TopLevelLibrary: we will name it: MidLevelComonentThatUsesTopLevelLibrary.mxml and will live in the package com.leonardovarela.blog.examples.midlevellibrary and the contents should be:
(Please note that the syntax highlighter removes the casing so please make panel->Panel and toplelvellibraryComponent->TopLevelLibraryComponent and don't forget the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> at the beginning of the mxml file):
- The project will be named MidLevelLibrary and its location will be: PROJECT_HOME/MidLevelLibrary so create that folder and inside a package structure similar to the last project:
- TopLevelLibrary project setup
- Lets create the Flex project
Lets start with the folder structure.
- PROJECT_HOME/Flex-app/src/main/flex/
- PROJECT_HOME/Flex-app/src/main/test/
4.0.0 com.leonardovarela.blog.examples multi-level-flex-maven 1.0-SNAPSHOT com.leonardovarela.blog.examples Flex-app 1.0-SNAPSHOT swf com.adobe.flex.framework framework ${project.flex.version} swc caching com.adobe.flex.framework flex-framework ${project.flex.version} pom com.adobe.flex.framework playerglobal external com.adobe.flex.framework playerglobal ${project.flex.version} ${project.flash.player.classifier} swc external com.leonardovarela.blog.examples TopLevelLibrary 1.0-SNAPSHOT swc rsl com.leonardovarela.blog.examples MidLevelLibrary 1.0-SNAPSHOT swc rsl org.sonatype.flexmojos flexmojos-unittest-support ${project.flexmojos.version} swc test org.sonatype.flexmojos flexmojos-maven-plugin wrapper true {artifactId}-{version}.swf ${project.flash.version}
In the base package(PROJECT_HOME/Flex-app/src/main/flex folder) create the main application main.mxml with the following contents:
(Please note that the syntax highlighter removes the casing so please make application->Application, label->Label, box->Box, midlelvellibraryComponent->MidLevelLibraryComponent and
midlevelcomponentThatUsesTopLevelLibrary->MidLevelComponentThatUsesTopLevelLibrary and don't forget the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> at the beginning of the mxml file):
on the folder PROJECT_HOME/Flex-app/src/main/test/ create a TestApp.as file with the following contents:
/** * Copyright 2009 Leonardo Varela */ package com.leonardovarela.blog.examples.test{ import flexunit.framework.TestCase; public class TestApp extends TestCase { /** * Dumb Tests to exemplify unit tests */ public function testDumbTest():void { assertEquals("Test is incorrect", "America is the best soccer team ever", "America is the best soccer team ever"); } } }
OK!!!! We are good to give it a try!
- Executing the installation:
Just go to the PROJECT_HOME location and type mvn -DflashPlayer.command=<path to your flash player> install
where <path to your flash player> could be: C:\flash\FlashPlayer.exe
This -D option is a workaround of a bug that I think is fixed on flex-mojos 3.3 but I haven't given it a test yet.
- Now the part where most of the trouble happens!
Lets try to execute Flex-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.html from PROJECT_HOME\multi-level-flex-maven\Flex-app\target
You will get an RSL Error.... so what you need to do is to copy the swf dependencies(RSLs) to that folder. Go grab them from the target folders of the TopLevelLibrary and MidLevelLibrary Project and place them in the target folder of the Flex-app project.
There are plenty of better ways to do this, but that was not the scope of this guide.
If you want to submit an improved pom that copies dependencies automatically! You are very welcome.
- Hopefully you have been working with 3.4.09271 sdk and you will have no problems, if the page tells you that It cannot find the framework...swz then get the SDK from here: http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Download+Flex+3
- Copy and paste the framework_3.4.0.9271.swz file to the Flex-app target folder. Rename it to framework- and execute the Flex-app-SNAPSHOT-1.0.swf file. That file can be found on the %FLEX SDK EXTRACT DIRECTORY%\frameworks\rsls In a web project you would have to have this file in the same location of your swf application, just like we are doing it here. NOTE: Make sure to rename it, We ARE changing the _(underscore) to a -(dash)
- Thanks for making it to the end of the step by step guide. As a Bonus: Here's the code:CODE!
- If you really appreciate this post, please post links to it from your community forums etc...
- Please fill the one question survey on the left side of the post... it will be just 10 seconds..
- I will create another post with Flex 3.4/RSLS/Cairngorm/BlazeDS/Hibernate soon! Please click on the ads to have time/money to do it!
We are defining the properties in the4.0.0 org.sonatype.flexmojos flexmojos-flex-super-pom 3.2.0 com.leonardovarela.blog.examples multi-level-flex-maven 1.0-SNAPSHOT pom Parent Project Multi Level Flex Maven http://www.leonardovarela.com Leonardo Varela http://www.leonardovarela.com leonardo.varela Leonardo Varela leonardovarela@gmail.com http://www.leonardovarela.com Leonardo Varela http://www.leonardovarela.com Researcher Blogger Developer Freelancer -8 3.2.0 10.0.0 10 Flex-Maven-RSL org.sonatype.flexmojos flexmojos-maven-plugin ${flexmojos.version} true {artifactId}-{version}.{extension} ${flash.version} com.adobe.flex compiler ${flex.version} pom org.apache.maven.plugins maven-dependency-plugin 2.0 flex-mojos-repository http://repository.sonatype.org/content/groups/public true true flex-mojos-repository2 http://repository.sonatype.org/content/repositories/all-004/ true true flex-mojos-repository http://repository.sonatype.org/content/groups/public true true TopLevelLibrary MidLevelLibrary Flex-app
Just tested it on Windows 2003 with maven 2.0.10!
Great Job !!!!
ReplyDeleteVery usefull
Thanks a lot
ReplyDeleteHi, great article. Recently I have generated a example flex project based on the latest flexmojo version, latest flash compiler and air 2.5. Maybe this can help others.